Event spotlight Ceilings of Glass and Concrete: Making Women’s Work Count How do women’s experiences with paid work differ across geographies, economic strata and cultures?
Research Bytes Try Co-Creating Your Product with the Consumer Firms that allow consumers to co-create products might also need to motivate them.
Research Bytes What Newspaper Vendors Can Teach Airlines How can the newsvendor dilemma teach airlines about managing uncertainty and optimising schedules?
Research Centres and Institutes Spotlight Thomas Schmidheiny Centre for Family Enterprise The Thomas Schmidheiny Centre for Family Enterprise at ISB has pioneered research into Indian family business.
Research Spotlight Category Management: The Art of Allocating Shelf Space How can retail category managers and procurement strategists across sectors can increase profitability?
Research Centres and Institutes Spotlight Indian Family Business: Creating Legacy Why are 1991 and 2013 two watershed years in Indian family business? Professor Kavil Ramachandran elucidates.
Case Spotlight All is Well: Health Care Branding at Be Well Hospitals Be Well Hospitals case study author Professor Piyush Kumar discusses branding strategy takeaways.