Meaning of ‘Performance’ in Government Performance Management

While government performance management is in vogue, there seems to be no consensus on the meaning of the term ‘performance.’ In the name of measuring ‘performance’ of a government agency, there has been a proliferation of approaches, methods and methodologies. However, no one measurement approach is per se better than others. The right question to ask is whether the measurement approach is appropriate for the task at hand.

Most governments around the world are working on improving the performance of their government agencies. It is clear the ‘performance’ of a country’s government has emerged as a key determinant of the competitive advantage of nations. The race among nations is being won not by those nations that have more resources or ideas. Rather, the outcome of this race among nations is largely determined by how effectively nations use their resources and how well they implement good ideas and policies. This task is usually achieved by a performance management system in the government…Read more

Author: Professor Prajapati Trivedi, Senior Fellow (Governance) and Adjunct Professor of Public Policy, ISB.

Source: This article is extracted from PA Times dated September 08, 2017.